AS LONG AS there is a need for AS LONG AS sentences, we will be feminists.

Katharina Cibulka is an artist and film maker who develops and leads artistic and sustainability processes. Katharina first began developing SOLANGE in 2016 and moved on to its realization in 2018.

Katharina pursues a consistent political agenda centered on feminism, social justice, community and questioning aesthetic processes and the role of art.

Katharina Cibulka
Katharina Cibulka
SOLANGE Creator and Artist

Tina Themel is a communication scientist specialising in gender and diversity as well as a public relations and media manager. Since 2018, she has been a team member who designs SOLANGE texts, publishes articles, is co-author and co-editor of ‘Let’s go equal. The Solange Project’ and, together with Katharina, organises book presentations, readings and workshops.

Tina Themel
Tina Themel
Text Editing German, Communication

Vivian Simbürger studied art at the University of Art and Design Linz.

Fascinated with the challenge of mastering their huge dimensions, she has been embroidering SOLANGE nets since 2018. She continuously explores and finds innovative solutions that help her conquer the mass of material time and again.

Vivian Simbürger
Vivian Simbürger
Textile Artist

Margarethe Clausen is an expert for translation, text and language, with a focus on art and culture. Raised bilingually in the USA and Austria, she now lives and works in Berlin. She loves the spaces between languages, multiple meanings and wordplay. Margarethe has been a feminist for ages and joined SOLANGE in 2019, where she works on the project’s English nets and texts.

Margarethe Clausen
Margarethe Clausen
Text Editing English

Marie Themel is a student of Cultural and Social Anthropology, activist and SOLANGE’s Instagram manager. She uses social media as an instrument to raise awareness on social injustices such as racism, sexism, ableism and to empower LGBTQ* rights. Marie has been part of the SOLANGE team since 2020.

Marie Themel
Marie Themel
Social Media Manager

Claudia Eichbichler was herself on the road as a restorer on building sites and is currently studying biology, visual education and technical/textile work in Innsbruck. Based on observations of her own environment, in her art she questions social constructs, gender roles and relationships – including those she has with herself – and works with a wide variety of media: from screen printing to sculptural objects and video.

Claudia Eichbichler
Claudia Eichbichler
Assistant and Construction Site Coordinator

Our network is continuously growing and we are always looking for new construction sites and collaborations all over the world.

Get in touch!