SOLANGE the project
How much longer do we
have to stand up for
gender equality?
SOLANGE the project
How much longer do we
have to stand up for
gender equality?

Coming Soon

SOLANGE events and upcoming nets

see start page

MICRO ACTIVISM - The Solange Post-it Project
LET’S GO EQUAL - The Solange Project

AS LONG AS there is a need for AS LONG AS sentences, we will be feminists.

N°30 FRAC Centre-Val de Loire, Orléans, France
N°30 FRAC Centre-Val de Loire, Orléans, France
TANT QUE la liberté de ta fille dépendra de l’éducation de mon fils, je serai féministe.

AS LONG AS your daughter's freedom depends on my son's education, I will be a feminist.
N°29 Post Office Bad Ischl, Austria
N°29 Post Office Bad Ischl, Austria
SOLONG ois bleibt, weils oiwei scho so woa, bin i Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS things stay the same because it`s always been this way, I will be a feminist.
N°28 University of Arts Linz, Austria
N°28 University of Arts Linz, Austria
SOLANGE aus Liebe mit einem Schlag Gewalt wird, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS love turns into violence in one blow, I will be a feminist.
N°27 National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C., USA
N°27 National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C., USA
AS LONG AS generations change but our struggles stay the same, I will be a feminist.
N°26 Biennale d’Art et d’Architecture du Frac Centre-Val de Loire, Vierzon, France
N°26 Biennale d’Art et d’Architecture du Frac Centre-Val de Loire, Vierzon, France
TANT QUE mon anatomie déterminera mon autonomie, je serai féministe.

AS LONG AS my anatomy determines my autonomy, I will be a feminist.
N°25 Wastls-Haus, local history and open-air museum, Ötztal, Austria
N°25 Wastls-Haus, local history and open-air museum, Ötztal, Austria
SÖLONG a Weiwats dreimol sövl orbatet, obr dreimol mindar vrdiet, bin i Feminischt:in.

AS LONG AS women work three times as much but earn three times less, I will be a feminist.
N°24 University of Cologne, Grüngürtel, Germany
N°24 University of Cologne, Grüngürtel, Germany
SOLANGE wir uns Beulen an gläsernen Decken holen, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS we bump our heads on glass ceilings, I will be a feminist.
N°23 Bürgerhaus Stollwerck, Cologne, Germany
N°23 Bürgerhaus Stollwerck, Cologne, Germany
SOLANGE Dreifaltigkeit und Dreigestirn Männermacht demonstrier’n, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS men hold the power in trinity and triumvirate, I will be a feminist.
N°22 Goethegymnasium Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
N°22 Goethegymnasium Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
SOLANGE Visionen dort enden, wo unsere Zukunft beginnt, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS visions end where our future begins, I will be a feminist.
N°21 City Hall, Bregenz, Austria
N°21 City Hall, Bregenz, Austria
SOLANGE Gleichstellung nicht deine Lieblingsstellung ist, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS traditional roles are the only role play you know, I will be a feminist.
N°19 + N°20 City parish, Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
N°19 + N°20 City parish, Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
SOLANGE manche Herren glauben, Gott zu sein, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS mighty men believe they are the almighty, I will be a feminist.

DOKLER bodo nekateri gospodje verjeli, da so bog, bom feminist_ka.
N°18 Franzensfeste, South Tyrol, Italy
N°18 Franzensfeste, South Tyrol, Italy
AS LONG AS it takes balls to get to the top, I will be a feminist.

FINCHÈ serviranno le palle per arrivare in cima, sarò femminista.
N°17 Palače Cukrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia
N°17 Palače Cukrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia
DOKLER bo upanje, ki ga širimo, močnejše od strahu, s katerim se soočamo, bom feminist_ka.

AS LONG AS the hope we spread is stronger than the fear we face, I will be a feminist.
N°16 Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria
N°16 Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria
SOLANGE Diversität in der Medizin erst in geringer Dosis vorhanden ist, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS diversity in medicine is only available in small doses, I will be a feminist.
N°15 Old town hall, Salzburg, Austria
N°15 Old town hall, Salzburg, Austria
SOLANGE du bei Empowerment auf der Leitung stehst, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS you block the flow of empowerment, I will be a feminist.
N°14 Artist house, Vienna, Austria
N°14 Artist house, Vienna, Austria
AS LONG AS the hope we spread is stronger than the fear we face, I will be a feminist.
N°13 Erste Bank, Tuchlauben, Vienna, Austria
N°13 Erste Bank, Tuchlauben, Vienna, Austria
AS LONG AS he makes the cash while I work for change, I will be a feminist.
N°12 Linke Wienzeile 168, Vienna, Austria
N°12 Linke Wienzeile 168, Vienna, Austria
SOLANGE du Augen-Höhen-Angst hast, bin ich Feminist:in.

AS LONG AS equality gives you vertigo, I will be a feminist.
N°11 Academy of visual art, Schillerplatz, Vienna, Austria
N°11 Academy of visual art, Schillerplatz, Vienna, Austria
AS LONG AS diversity is not state of the heart, I will be a feminist.
N°10 Simone de Beauvoir Platz, Seestadt ASPERN, Vienna, Austria
N°10 Simone de Beauvoir Platz, Seestadt ASPERN, Vienna, Austria
AS LONG AS women have to fight for the rights men have always had, I will be a feminist.
N°9 Mariahilfer Straße/Schadekgasse, Vienna, Austria
N°9 Mariahilfer Straße/Schadekgasse, Vienna, Austria
AS LONG AS it’s all about six packs and sex bombs, I will be a feminist.
N°7 + N°8 Rabat Biennale, Rabat, Morocco
N°7 + N°8 Rabat Biennale, Rabat, Morocco
AS LONG AS following our rules is more important than following our hearts, i will be a feminist.
N°6 Salzburgerstraße, Wörgl, Austria
N°6 Salzburgerstraße, Wörgl, Austria
SOLANGE Frauenpower als Energiequelle unterbewertet ist, bin ich Feministin.

AS LONG AS women's power is an underrated energy source, I will be a feminist.
N°5 St. Jakob Cathedral, Innsbruck, Austria
N°5 St. Jakob Cathedral, Innsbruck, Austria
SOLANGE Gott einen Bart hat, bin ich Feminist.

AS LONG AS god has a beard, I will be a feminist.
N°4 Academy of visual art, Schillerplatz, Vienna, Austria
N°4 Academy of visual art, Schillerplatz, Vienna, Austria
AS LONG AS the art market is a boys' club, I will be a feminist.
N°3 Reichenauerstraße, Innsbruck, Austria
N°3 Reichenauerstraße, Innsbruck, Austria
SOLANGE Gleichberechtigung eine ewige Baustelle ist, bin ich Feministin.

AS LONG AS equality is a never-ending construction site, I will be a feminist.
N°2 Schrofensteinstraße, Landeck, Austria
N°2 Schrofensteinstraße, Landeck, Austria
SOLANGE Macht dazu verführt, Frauen zu missbrauchen, bin ich Feminist.

AS LONG AS power entices men to abuse women, I will be a feminist.
N°1 Bienerstraße, Innsbruck, Austria
N°1 Bienerstraße, Innsbruck, Austria
SOLANGE ich von Karriere rede und du Familienmanagement meinst, bin ich Feministin.

AS LONG AS I say career and you hear family management, I will be a feminist.